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Find it under 6 seconds!

We are excited to inform you that as of April 5th, 9PM has a new look.


As a store that is in operation for under 8 months, we are doing our best to bring the very latest both in technology and bicycle gear to our customers.

The new website is designed for you our dear customers to be able to surf faster and find what you are looking for at our store much faster.

Now you can find store timings & click for directions right from our website. If using WhatsApp application, you can also just click on social icons to send direct WhatsApp message without typing in our contact number.

So, not only does have a new look, but the new  website is still mobile friendly, more functional and about 300% faster than the previous website when viewed by mobile devices.

Google Results

Pages loads under 6 seconds. Tests done via Google Website Speed Tester (based on surfing using 3G networks) and also using GTMetrix, which is a more in-depth website speed analysis.

We hope this will help our customers find products faster and get their questions answered faster.

We also plan to post content (blog) more often so that customers can benefit in the biking activity which is taking over Oman in a very fast and frenzy way.

Products will be uploaded faster and this will help in generating electronic receipts.

Those who want to hold bikes or accessories, and those who want to pre-purchase any item on the website can do so.

Soon (if possible) we will work with the bank to make online purchase possible and secure.

– Cycle Omania

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